Diamond Color is a measurement of a diamond’s lack of color because the majority of diamonds are most desirable when they are most white. The color scale for diamonds goes from D to Z, where D is the highest possible grade in color (most white) and where Z is the lowest grade (least white).

In most cases, a diamond with apparent color will show as a pale yellow or light brown hue. Despite this, color is considered by many to be the next most important quality after cut. In some cases, this color can add warmth to a stone with a perfect stone and make it even more attractive as it sparkles for your eyes.


D – The highest color grade with no apparent color.

E & F – E / F – grade diamonds are generally considered colorless with only the smallest amounts of color able to be seen by a gemologist.

G & H – G / H – grade diamonds are nearly colorless to the naked eye and are difficult to determine without setting them side by side with lower grade & higher graded stones.

I & J – I / J – graded stones are nearly colorless and oftentimes represent great value because of the way their color can come out as a warmth mentioned

K through Z – Diamonds graded below K are not generally carried at deBoulle Diamond & Jewelry.



With white diamonds, the color is graded based on how little color a diamond exudes to the viewer. Diamond’s of similar color are placed alongside each other for comparison to determine an official color grade.


When balancing the many characteristics diamonds have in picking the perfect stone for your bride to be, the quality of cut is a diamond’s most important attribute.


Diamond Clarity is a way to measure the level of tiny imperfections that exist within almost all diamonds except the very finest.


While one initially views a diamond’s size by looking at the stone and how big the table or flat top portion of it appears, a diamond’s size is measured in weight. Carats are a unit that specifically refer to the weight of a diamond.